Frequently Asked Question

​​How to Find Your Computer Name​
Last Updated 2 years ago

When opening a ticket with the help desk, we might ask for your computer name. Here is a quick guide on how to find your computer name so you can provide it to IT.

  1. Open the file explorer on your computer. You can open the file explorer by clicking on the folder icon on the task bar or typing file explorer in the search bar on the taskbar.
  2. image
  3. On the left-hand side of the file explorer, you will see the navigation pane. Scroll down in the navigation pane till you see This PC.
  4. image
  5. Right click on This PC and click Properties from the menu.
  6. The screen that comes up will show information about your computer. Look for a computer name or device name option.
  7. image
  8. image
  9. Here, you will find your Computer Name

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