Frequently Asked Question

How to Connect to a solstice display
Last Updated 2 years ago

Connecting Wirelessly to a Solstice Display

You can connect to a Solstice display using laptops, tablets, and smartphones over Pitt wi-fi.

  • Connect your device WIRELESS-PITTNET.
  • First time users, open a browser on your device and browse to to download the Solstice app.
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  • Click the download link for the operating system of your device. Clicking the appropriate link will download the user application or link to the appropriate application store for mobile devices to download the user software.
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  • Once downloaded, launch or install and open the Solstice app.
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  • On the Solstice display, find the IP address, listed on the bottom left corner, as well as the top right, labeled “IP Address.” For example, “” is the IP address for the image below.
  • On the Solstice display, find the IP address, listed on the bottom left corner, as well as the top right, labeled “IP Address.” For example, “” is the IP address for the image below.
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  • On your device, in the Solstice app, go to the “Enter IP” tab and enter the IP address for the display. Once you connect to a Solstice display, its name will appear as a shortcut in the “Discovered Displays” tab.
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  • On the Solstice display, find the 4-digit key, listed on the bottom left corner, as well as below the room name on the left side. For the image below, “1234” is the key.

Enter the 4-digit key in the Solstice app on your device, and click “Ok.”

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  • Select what from your device you would like to share on the Solstice Screen.
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  • Once you are done sharing, click “Stop Sharing” on the Solstice app or minimized Solstice window. If you are sharing over iOS Screen Mirroring, you will need to open the Screen Mirroring menu to stop sharing.
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  • Click “Disconnect” on the Solstice app if you are not automatically disconnected from Solstice display.
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  • Troubleshooting Steps:
    If you are unable to connect to the Wireless Screen Sharing, first confirm your device is connected to one of the following Wireless networks:
    If you do not see the Solstice screen on the tv, make sure the tv is turned on. Power buttons are typically located on the right side of the display. If you still do not see the Solstice screen on the display, please report this or any other issues with the technology in the library to the Donald S. Wood Service Desk on the first floor of Hillman. An HDMI connection is also available in all Group Study rooms.

    If you are still unable to connect identify your device’s internal and external IP addresses. For help finding and external ip address, you can visit:

    For help finding an internal ip address you can visit

    Identify the MAC address of the mobile device. You will typically find this in your device’s network or “About” settings. A MAC address looks like this: 00:00:00:A1:2B:CC

    Service Desk staff should report WiFi and Solstice problems to the ULS Help Desk.

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