Frequently Asked Question

Keyboard shortcuts
Last Updated 2 years ago

Keyboard shortcuts

Shortcuts that include a plus sign (+) between keys are to be pressed simultaneously.

General Use

Shortcut Keys


Alt + Tab

Switch between open programs


Refresh the current program window

Ctrl + A

Select all

Ctrl + F

Search the current file or window

Ctrl + P

Print the current page or document

Ctrl + Shift + Esc

Opens Windows Task Manager

Alt + F4

Close the currently active program

Shift + Tab

Move back a selection

Ctrl + S

Save current file or webpage

Internet Browser

Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + Tab

Switch tabs

Ctrl + T

Open a new tab

Ctrl + W

Closes the current tab

Ctrl + Shift + T

Re-opens last closed tab

Ctrl + N

Open a new browser window

Alt + Left Arrow


Alt + Right Arrow


F11 (Fn + F11)


F6 / Alt + D

Select the address bar to type a new search or address

Ctrl + E

Select the search bar in Internet Explorer


Shortcut Keys


Ctrl + N

Create a new, blank document

Ctrl + O

Open a file in current software program

Ctrl + S

Save a file in current software program

Ctrl + B

Change selected text to be Bold

Ctrl + I

Change selected text to be in Italics

Ctrl + U

Change selected text to be Underlined

Ctrl + X

Cut selected item

Ctrl + C

Copy selected item

Ctrl + V


Ctrl + Y

Redo last action

Ctrl + Z

Undo last action


Goes to beginning of current line

Ctrl + Home

Goes to beginning of document


Goes to end of current line

Ctrl + End

Goes to end of document

Ctrl + H

Find and replace text

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