Frequently Asked Question

Recall a sent email in Outlook.
Last Updated 2 years ago

Recall a sent email in Outlook.

If you sent an email in outlook and sent it to the wrong person or wanted to make a change to the email you can recall that so the person you sent it to will, not see it. Note: you must recall the email before they open the email for the email to be recalled successfully.

  1. To recall an email in outlook, click on your sent items folder. Then double click on the email that you wish to recall and that will open the message in a new window.
  2. Then click on the more move actions icon in the ribbon. Then click on recall this message.
  3. image
  4. In the next window you can select if you want outlook to delete unread copies or delete unread copies and replace with a new message. Then check the checkbox if you want outlook to send you a message about if the recall succeeded or not. Then hit ok.
  5. image
  6. If you selected to receive an email from outlook about if the message was recalled the email will look like this.
  7. image

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